Services for Small Business

Tax Services for Small Business

OK, let’s cut to the chase, we could (like other accountancy websites) go through a list of what tax services for small business owners we can deliver but we don’t think that’s really what you came to see. What you really want to know is quite simple:

  • Can we save you money?
  • How can we help you and your business?
  • Can we supply you with a top quality service at a competitive price?
  • Do we have over 20 years of experience providing tax services for small business owners?
  • Is the initial consultation free? (ok you weren’t asking that but we thought we’d let you know it was anyway!)

The answer to all of the above is YES! but you’d expect us to say that, so let’s cover them one by one.

Can we save you money?

In a nutshell:

  • We have tax specialists that take a proactive role and make sure you only pay tax where you have to and that you’re taking advantage of any breaks or schemes available. Are you better off being incorporated (being a Limited company) or not? and what are the pro’s and con’s?
  • We’ll guarantee you won’t be fined for missing a deadline as we’ll ensure forms that you are legally required to submit do not miss deadlines. (Obviously there are a few conditions to this guarantee, things like you give us the required information in time!)
  • We have many schemes and business partners that can help reduce some of the running costs of your business. As we get to know your business we can advise you on areas where you may be able to cut costs and how you may go about it.
  • Your Accountancy Services bill may be excessive, or maybe you are paying for services you don’t really need! In many cases we’ll be able to reduce this bill, even if we can’t we may be able to give you a better service for it!
  • These are just a few examples of how we may save you money, the list is not exhaustive as we don’t want to go on about everything and half of it would probably not apply to you. Every business and individual is different and therefore the only way we can be more specific is to find out your individual circumstances and needs, why don’t you contact us.

How can we help you and your business?

Image of accountants giving tax services for small business

We believe an accountant should be more than just someone who gives you a set of accounts after the year end.

OK, a little test. Hands up if you don’t see enough of your current accountant. Hands up if you think that the benefit of what you get from your accountant isn’t worth the cost. Hands up if you don’t feel you can ask your accountant anything. We won’t go on any further, but if you relate to any of those questions have a look at this brief snapshot of some of the things we can do to help you and your business.

  • We aim to keep in contact with our clients throughout the year. – This is dependent on individual needs etc, but we feel the better we know you and your business the better we are placed to offer you advice and guidance, it’s better spotting potential problems early rather than months after your year end when you get your annual accounts when it may be too late.
  • Are we really accountants? – we are not your stereotypical accountant, we are friendly and approachable, and we realise the importance of building close flexible relationships. Business can sometimes be a lonely place, and to know you have someone you can rely on really helps.
  • I didn’t start in business to do all this paperwork! – We believe in taking as much of the hassle and red tape away from you as possible allowing you to concentrate on what you enjoy doing and what you went in to business for.
  • We also offer a free service where you will have 24×7 access to your important documents (e.g. Accounts, Tax Returns etc) via our websites secure client portal. Yes, we did say it’s free!

Can we supply you with top quality tax services for small business at a competitive price?

Are we the most expensive? Most definitely not! Are we the cheapest? Not always! But are we competitive and the best value for money? Absolutely Yes! Let’s face it we all want value for money, at Probitts & Co we supply you with the highest quality services at a competitive price and don’t forgot that we throw in some extras that are free and really add value to the service we provide. If you don’t believe it then contact us for a no obligation, free consultation where we’ll discuss your individual needs and then give you a no hidden cost quote.

And don’t forget that you’re initial consultation is free! So you have nothing to lose (and everything to gain) by speaking to us.

If you’re looking for anything else like Business Start-up advice, Payroll tax service providers or just general professional tax service advice, get in contact today for a free consultation by emailing us at or calling on +44 (0) 1296 484955.

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